Yasutaka Taniguchi
The chairman
縲Tokushima Nepal Friendship Association
縲718-5, Nishikakuen, Ishii-Cho, Myozai-Gun, Tokushima 779-0032, Japan
縲Tel / Fax : 81-88-675-0835縲 /縲 81-88-674-4168縲 E-mail: tonfa@mxi.netwave.or.jp
縲718-5, Nishikakuen, Ishii-Cho, Myozai-Gun, Tokushima 779-0032, Japan
縲Tel / Fax : 81-88-675-0835縲 /縲 81-88-674-4168縲 E-mail: tonfa@mxi.netwave.or.jp
July 10, 2015 All the dear friends of Bhujung, We would like to express our deep sorrow and heartfelt sympathy for the serious damage caused by a giant earthquake that occurred on April 25, 2015 and the repeated aftershocks thereafter. We feel extremely sorrowful due to this occurrence. As you know, we are linked with many Nepalese people and organizations, and above all especially with the people of Bhujung by strong ties. We also have a sad experience due to the damage caused by the Great East Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2013. So, we can empathize with your pain and suffering. On the other hand, very fortunately there is almost no damage in Bhujung as per the information from Mr. Badri San through Mr. Bishnu Gopal Shrestha, even 縲though it was close to the epicenter, Gorkha. At the same time, we are also very relieved that Mycrohydro Plants and Ropeways are safe. Now, we are running fundraising activities for earthquake relief to the affected victims of Nepal. We have sent donations to Mr. Bishnu Gopal Shrestha, President of Nepal Tokushima (Japan) Friendship Association, and they are distributing relief supplies to the required area. All the dear friends of Bhujung, so far there was little damage in Bhujung, but please be careful about the aftershocks. We pray from Tokushima that there is no damage in the future as well. Finally, we are planning to visit Nepal in this autumn. We will visit Bhujung too. Looking forward to meeting you again. Mr. Yasutaka Taniguchi President Tokushima Nepal Friendship Association ・抵シ撰シ托シ募ケエ・玲怦・托シ先律繝悶ず繝・繝ウ譚代・縺ソ縺ェ縺輔s縺ク